By Anonymous - 17/07/2011 20:44 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike and swerved to avoid hitting a lizard. I ended up sliding into a bush and skinning myself, only to find my tires had still managed to cut the lizard to pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 626
You deserved it 8 870

Same thing different taste


natasharox 3

that's harsh for trying to save the lizards life

schmegsable 6

Were you standing on the sun?

schmegsable 6

Wrong FML... Sorry everyone, I'm a disgrace.

musicmaniac0099 0

aww well atleast you cared :) hahahhaha one time my mom stopped on the highway for ducks !

Ducks are awesome! I would stop for some ducks. I don't know about on a highway though - that seems pretty dangerous. My mom has stopped before for freaking catepillars! Luckily she only does it on back roads, but still. Those things move so slow we end up sitting there for 10 minutes. I don't even know how she spots them.

musicmaniac0099 0

hahaha yeah but thankfully noone was too close behind us on the highway! and caterpillars?! aww(:

musicmaniac0099 0

they are ! thankfully no one was too close to us on the highway! and hahahah caterpillar ?! aw(:

How the **** do you hit a lizard..

Its a lizard... My cat leaves there decapitated bodies around my house

Possum_Gurl 13

dumbass.. next time just hit the lizard like a boss!!

musicmaniac0099 0

oh what great advice possum chick, why dontcha just kill some animals ?! Wow that is horrible.. wouldn't be very "boss" to kill the lizard. & yeah. op isnt a dumb ass soooo!

Possum_Gurl 13

ik its great advice!! i love animals but if thier dumb enough to get in the middle of the road then they most likey deserve to be hit..

musicmaniac0099 0

I know but still... ha didn't mean to burst little anger out up there.

mikechek 3