Golden child

By ohhaithur - 26/07/2019 02:00

Today, my mom accused me of stealing $350 from her. She didn't accuse my unemployed brother, who just bought a brand new iPhone. Even after he confessed to her, she thought he was covering for me. My brother has a criminal record for theft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 785
You deserved it 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Not unusual for the Golden Child to end up being the criminal, since they think they can do no wrong.


tounces7 27

Not unusual for the Golden Child to end up being the criminal, since they think they can do no wrong.

Nice try. Yes, but a brand new iPhone costs $1000. He must have stole that money from a different victim at the same time you fleeced your mom. A-ha!!!

New iPhone 7 @ Best Buy: $300; just sayin'....

Man, that phone came out during the Obama Administration! How can you call a phone from that bygone era “brand new?”

AddictgirL 7

brand new doesn't mean brand new on the market

"Mom always did like you best!" --Smothers Brothers