By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 04:18 - United States

Today, I was running on a track above a basketball court. I noticed several cute guys playing a pick-up game, so I tried to run my hardest. Not paying attention, I didn't hear when they warned me about the ball flying towards me. It hit me in the head, I then ran into a wall and face-planted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 419
You deserved it 40 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This sounds suspiciously similar to another FML from about a week back. And not to repeat the comments from that one, but why would you run faster? You're meant to run slower. Bay Watch-style.

Well. Not exactly what you wanted but you did get some ball to face action. ;-) And besides, not really a FML as they likely paid you more attention from that then if the ball hadn't come your way at all.


This sounds suspiciously similar to another FML from about a week back. And not to repeat the comments from that one, but why would you run faster? You're meant to run slower. Bay Watch-style.

fake!!! it's impossible 4 a basketball 2 fly up there unless they directly threw it at u. FAKE.

alexg823 0

I know right? Like a BOSS!

Well. Not exactly what you wanted but you did get some ball to face action. ;-) And besides, not really a FML as they likely paid you more attention from that then if the ball hadn't come your way at all.

alex_vik 0

Running away from them? I thought you said they were cute?

Ahahahahahahaha! I would've loved to see that happening!

pow_r_ty_ler 0

FYL for getting hit in the face. YDI for that causing you to run into a wall with your face.

boomBOOMshake 0

I agree with #1. Bay Watch. :)

Do you by any chance go to quinnipiac college?

What gym was this? Was it the CRC from College Park?

multiple FML's have said the same thing..."girl saw cute guy while out running. decides to run her hardest...something stupid ensues". Why do girls think that running their hardest will impress these guys? The only thing that will impress these guys is your looks, since that is all they will see. If you are 200 pounds and sloppy, running your hardest is just going to make your fat jiggle all the more.