By mike - 10/07/2013 07:51 - United States

Today, I was over my grandparents' house for my grandfather's birthday. For years they would talk to each other in Italian and I could never understand them, so I started to take an online class to teach myself Italian. Now I know all they talk about is how much they hate everything about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 518
You deserved it 4 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

You should play along with it and then when the times right you should start talking in Italian. Embarrass them.

Sorry OP some families can be real assholes even to their one of their own.


KiddoKS 19

If you didn't give him the present yet, you can return it and get your money back.

The best way to make the, feel stupid is by surprising them and confronting them in Italian.

Wow what a pair of assholes. Call them out on it in the middle of next years reunion.

Sad to say you'd be surprised how common things like this are. Generally etiquette says that if you are amongst others who don't speak your native language, but you share one in common, you use that language. I'm multi-lingual and see it quite a lot. People quite often talk badly about people when they can't understand them. Not everyone does it, but it is common :/.

If it were just one of them talking shit about you, I would chalk it up to insanity. But since it's both of them, I have no choice but to assume that you suck.

alexwow1 13

My grandparents always do that it sucks

time to revenge . put a cat shit in their food.

"Vaffanculo" Nah, I'm just playing. But that sucks :( let them know how you feel and if they're still like that, then they aren't worth your time.

If two people know English and another language and they speak to each other in the foreign language in front of you, I'd always assume they're talking about you or something they don't want you to hear.

Cet homme a totalement raison, quel génie !

Wowxoxo 17

Ce n'est pas toujours vrai.. Mes grand-parents parlent en arabe parce que c'est plus facile pour eux mais ils peuvent parler en anglais

graceinsheepwear 33

39 + 56, obtenir une chambre!

You used something like Google Translate for that, didn't you?

I guess so, if you meant "get a room" which is likely, you should have said " Trouvez vous une chambre !" or "Allez à l'hotel"

If you inform them on what they are saying they might stop..,