By mike - 10/07/2013 07:51 - United States

Today, I was over my grandparents' house for my grandfather's birthday. For years they would talk to each other in Italian and I could never understand them, so I started to take an online class to teach myself Italian. Now I know all they talk about is how much they hate everything about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 518
You deserved it 4 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

You should play along with it and then when the times right you should start talking in Italian. Embarrass them.

Sorry OP some families can be real assholes even to their one of their own.


AgirlnamedQing 4

Sometimes it's better when the truth is not known

I would probably just answer them like: "Yeah I know, right? I do suck balls!".

Hope ur grandparents choke on their words!

catharsis5 9

lo siento, but maybe if they learned that you know how to speak Italian they would be proud of you? Maybe they just do that to all their grandchildren when they're around.

I feel like that's what the people at the nail salon do

That's sad.. Respond in Italian all serious-like one day. They'll feel ashamed when they realize you can understand all their trash talking:/ hopefully you get an apology

No one can screw you over quite as well as your own family can! Sorry to hear that OP!

This is why you never travel to foreign places whilst not knowing the basics of the language there. Especially, when it comes to derogatory words and insults.

At least it wasnt about what they wanted to do to each other in bed...