By Anonymous - 07/05/2015 15:45 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I was out with my youngest cousin and we had to stop for gas. Since he just got his license, I asked if he wanted to pump the gas while I went into the station to get snacks and pay. He pumped my car full of diesel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 689
You deserved it 7 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FusionPlacebo 26

That's just an overall bad idea. Maybe you should've pumped it yourself and let him go inside to pay and get the snacks...or at least watched and made sure he could do it properly.


It was his first time so I wouldn't get too mad at him. I'm sure he didn't mean it. Although you will have spend a few bucks to get that fixed.

In America diesel nozzles are larger than regular nozzles. This prevents accidents like this from happening because the diesel nozzle won't fit into a regular sized tank opening

Because USA and America are totally different things...

with the size difference it shouldn't have even fit in the first place. there's a huge difference

Dandeloins 7

Exactly, which means there's a good chance the little cousin was screwing with OP and he fell for it.

From my experience, not always true. Every station I've been to in my area uses bright yellow covers for the diesel nozzle, but the actual thing is the same size. Same thing with kerosene, which has a blue cover but is the same size as the other two.

MrZsDad 19

That is bullshit, not every diesel pump has a different size nozzle, and not every vehicle has a different size fill tube. As fleet mechanic for a delivery contractor i had to drain tanks like 5 times a year because some noob isnt paying attention.


Let me guess next thing he's gonna put smokestacks on

Isn't this not possible because the nozzles are different sizes? Especially because you're in Pennsylvania, America. The nozzle wouldn't even fit in a regular car.

How is dat even possible w da specialized nozzle???!!

He must of made a real mess because he had to spray it in because it does t fit otherwise lol

How did the nozzle fit? They are made to prevent this type of accident. It really sucks.

Can't he read signs? Or tell the difference between the nozzle sizes?