By verrine - 19/06/2009 08:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I was mugged on my way to the bus stop. With no money or mobile I started to panic about the exam I had and ran the 3.5 miles to get to there. When I staggered up to the building only 20mins after the exam started, the university staff wouldn't let me sit it as I couldn't prove my identity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 941
You deserved it 3 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, how great would it be if the mugger went and took the test using your ID and purposely failed it just to screw you over even more?


allyrose 0

Wow that sucks I'm sorry but I know the feeling I was mugged waiting for the bus on my way to work a few weeks ago And i still don't have a id..LOL being mugged sux ass.

ithedarkknight 0

lmao wow that sucks what were the odds right? I mean bullshit i would of raised hell because you got mugged you ran there and they pull some bullshit on the final exam day hell they would of seen the demon come out my ass!

u2_lover_05 0

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"Today I mugged a guy. While I was looking through his wallet someone from a university saw his ID and though I was the guy. I ended up having to take an exam, which I then proceeded to fail, and now I have to stay at the university to take extra classes. Oh, and the wallet was empty... FML

curryndricegirll 0

God, it's stories like these that make me so paranoid about my exam...and our testing centers are much further than 3.5 miles. And the type of exam that I take...they don't do make-ups. I mean, one girl literally got into a car accident the day before, and she had to get special permission to take her exam in the hospital. She had a broken arm, a few broken ribs, and possibly a concussion. And no, I'm not making this up.

You poor thing! I hope that you'll be able to do a makeup though.

fantome_fml 0

Go to the police sation, report the crime, then take the police report to your Proffessor or whatever and explain the situation, I'm sure they'd give you a makeup exam

stringoffail 0

LOL... I came in here to say pretty much what everyone else is saying. I saw almost 1000 YDIs and had to say "Wow, some bastards just click YDI for the hell of it no matter what."