By kids shouldnt have hard sports equipment - 18/01/2016 01:48 - Australia - Woodville

Today, I was knocked unconscious by the 10 year-old I was babysitting because it was his younger sister's bedtime and he didn't want her to go. When I came to, their mother was screaming at me for sleeping on the job. In the middle of the kitchen floor. I lost a job and gained a killer headache. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 203
You deserved it 1 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you went straight to hospital to get checked out and right after that to police and filed an assault charge. Being blacked out for any amount of time is a serious health issue and a concussion and headache would be the least of your worries. As harsh as it sounds, if the kid doesn't learn what consequences are, he is going to kill someone before he's a teen.

You lost your job? Did the mom not give you any time to explain..? (I think I already know the answer)


I would make a police report. That is assault.

I don't usually say this, but you should take action. That is assault, and if you fell unconscious, quite a serious one. If I were you I would press charges, it would make a nice round of karma serve the irrational mother and her violent son.

If you haven't gone to the hospital, GO.

How did a ten year old knock u out op

Probably with heavy sporting equipment based on the name.

I would have told her. I'm suing you! you feminazi

Obviously your at fault for not paying attention your fired

SWeasel 1

This sounds exactly like a scene from a hollywood comedy - that is to say, it bears no resemblance to a real concussion. When you're concussed, unconsciousness typically lasts between 20 seconds and a minute and a half. Any unconsciousness lasting over 2 minutes would be considered a life-threatening injury, with an extremely high chance of brain damage. So, I find it highly unlikely that you could've been out cold for long enough for the parents to find you, and IF you were unconscious for that long then a) you'd have likely been in a state of fit by that point, and obviously not "sleeping", and b) would probably not have the mental faculties to post on FML about it. So sorry, I've gotta call BS on this tale.

TeacherTeacher 11

Hospital and the file charges. Absolutely. That kid is learning absolutely the wrong lessons and his parents need to be taught first.

I hope you went to the hospital and filed assault charges on the kid!