By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 06:43 - United States

Today, I was kneeling down at work to do some cleaning. My co-worker said, "Oh don't your knees hurt, kneeling like that for so long?" Without thinking how it sounded, I said, "Oh no, it's not a problem. I'm on my knees all the time." He's yet to stop hitting on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 016
You deserved it 49 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

well, you kinda asked for that one.

mcsnelly 5

Okay yeah that sounded really bad but everyone's said something without thinking about it and it sounded DEFINITELY don't deserve to be hit on constantly just because you made a slip up like that!


He sounds rather pathetic and too clingy. The OP sounds like a girl too nice to be mean to a guy that's bothering her. These are the ingredients for a never-ending cycle of awkward moments until someone derails this fail train.

fmlmuch_ 0

lmfao at #22. Southpark ~ and yur right, the guy needs to back off

Haha @ #7. That's what I was thinking: "that's what she said" lol. Lol @ #11/15... as if things are so simple. We don't live in some fantasy world. A LOT of guys can't seem to take "no" or "not interested" as an answer, it even sometimes make them MORE persistent.

women whine but personally love the attention. thats why.

manoverboard 0

Wow. I hate society, it's full of perverts.

No number 12 you don't just claim sexual harrasment... God if she asks him to stop and he consistently continues to do so and it's making her uncomfortable and getting in the way of her work she should let him know that that's what she'll do if he doesn't stop and he continues then claim it... Don't let it build up too much, but give him fair warning and chance to do the right thing being shot down isn't easy and making such a claim I'd very serious and just the claim can seriously **** up someone else's life.... You don't jus go around claimng that shit at a moments whim... Approa him gently let him know how you feel and gently tell him you'll make that claim so as not to make him feel threatened within the work place... Remember all he's doing right now is hitting on you

jchansfan 0

You guys are ridiculous. They're coworkers. Get real, he's probably just teasing her and she's just venting on here. I wouldn't be surprised if this was only posted because she thought it was funny, rather than because she's not taking the jokes well. Coworkers tease eachother like that, it makes work more fun. They're probably friends though, or else he'd leave her alone. Because you don't tease, joke with, or hit on a co-worker you don't get along with. With all due respect, jchansfan

i won't give you a YDI cos... hey slip of the tongue happens... it was by accident him constantly hitting on you however is on purpose tell him to stop, if he doesn't file a harassment charge

#11 wins and if that doesn't work, THEN sexual harassment all these people who go immediately to sexual harassment should be removed from the gene pool.