Should I Stay or Should I Go?

By Anonymous - 17/07/2022 01:00 - United Kingdom

Today, after my housemate handed in his notice to vacate without telling me beforehand, I had few days whilst working to make a decision to stay or vacate. In a panic, I chose vacate. On my day off I sat down with my finances and discovered I can't afford elsewhere. I asked to stay, my landlord put up rent by 50%. I might now become homeless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 969
You deserved it 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reach out to your landlord and tenant board.

When you say that he put up your rent by 50% does that just mean he expects you to pay your housemate's half too? Cause that is perfectly valid, especially if you messed him around by saying you'd vacate and then changing your mind. Sure your housemate screwed you over but from his point of view, you're leaving suddenly with no warning.


Reach out to your landlord and tenant board.

When you say that he put up your rent by 50% does that just mean he expects you to pay your housemate's half too? Cause that is perfectly valid, especially if you messed him around by saying you'd vacate and then changing your mind. Sure your housemate screwed you over but from his point of view, you're leaving suddenly with no warning.

You probably shouldn't have vacated until you knew what your options were.