By workerbee - 09/08/2019 12:00

Today, because of a miscommunication with my boss, the furniture I was renting during my summer job was taken back by the movers. I still have a week of work left and nothing to eat with, and nothing to sit or sleep on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 506
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is called the fresh homeowner shopping: Craigslist or FB Marketplace: Inflatable mattress (If not, a twin can be as little as $20) Bedsheets/pillowcase Dollar Store: Plates, cups and utensils New: Pillow (But you should have one..) All items can be either donated if you have to move again or sold at your next home! Sitting, It'll be the floor. Maybe spend some days outdoors in the evening after work and before bed. You'll make it! Good Luck!

Get your idiot boss to put you up in an AirBnB.


This is called the fresh homeowner shopping: Craigslist or FB Marketplace: Inflatable mattress (If not, a twin can be as little as $20) Bedsheets/pillowcase Dollar Store: Plates, cups and utensils New: Pillow (But you should have one..) All items can be either donated if you have to move again or sold at your next home! Sitting, It'll be the floor. Maybe spend some days outdoors in the evening after work and before bed. You'll make it! Good Luck!

Get your idiot boss to put you up in an AirBnB.