Who are you?

By Anonymous - 11/01/2024 22:00 - Germany

Today, I heard the cat flap so I called out, “Hello my darling!” When the noise continued but no cat appeared, I went to check and it turned out that "My darling“ was a rat that had just figured out the mechanism and was working up the courage to come in and steal my chicken feed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 471
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to call an exterminator, bring in your cat and chickens, bolt this cat flap, and have your house examined under a microscope to plug all holes and crevices your "darling" might use to get in again.


Time to call an exterminator, bring in your cat and chickens, bolt this cat flap, and have your house examined under a microscope to plug all holes and crevices your "darling" might use to get in again.