By noononononono - 21/12/2015 23:52 - United States - Sacramento

Today, my Dad came home with a $500 jacket that he'd bought himself for Christmas. I'd bought him the same one, and it's non refundable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 201
You deserved it 1 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw it, wrap it and put it under the tree anyway. Teach him a lesson in patience.

You have excellent present-choosing skills, OP! Hopefully you can sell it or exchange it :)


You have excellent present-choosing skills, OP! Hopefully you can sell it or exchange it :)

That sucks that you spent so much money on it...but maybe one of you can do a good deed and donate it to charity or something! Not only will your father still have a nice jacket, but you can smile knowing you've made someone's day!

nonsensical 26

donate $500??? how rich are you?!

#7, she means donate the jacket. Not get another $500 and donate it.

#20 Donating the jacket would be the same as donating $500.

Well it's non refundable so what else can you do?

if they have 500 to spend on a jacket chances are they are more than well off

That really sucks. I guess he will just have 2 then!

Aw, man, that sucks. I guess you get to keep this one, then.

renouttaluck 20

Doesn't hurt to have a backup of a favorite jacket especially one that expensive.

I agree. More often than not, when it's time to replace it, you won't be able to find one exactly like it and you'll be glad to have a second. Or there is always Craigslist or EBay

Can't you sell it in eBay? You may end up making some extra money!

Screw it, wrap it and put it under the tree anyway. Teach him a lesson in patience.

I thought that... You shouldn't buy yourself something at Christmas. I understand it's a lot of money, but he should've hinted that he wanted it, as opposed to buying it... Besides, it's not that far away from Christmas, I doubt he wouldn't be able to buy it after (that is, if he didn't get it- which he was going to)

Publikwerks 14

I have done that, to my dad. I told him "Tough. You kept hinting that you want it, and then you go and buy it for yourself? Well, now you have two..."

I didn't even wait until Christmas to give it to him. Because he had done that two years in a row. My mom just told him to suck it.

This is why I don't buy presents for myself close to Christmas time, in case my gf or family member have already bought it.

Sell it on the black market at a highly inflated price

Black market prices work in the other direction.