By sofargone420 - 29/07/2011 14:27 - United States

Today, I was in a restroom sitting on the toilet, when the guy right next to me noticed my AC/DC boxers around my ankles and started to sing "Back in Black." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 605
You deserved it 10 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least they weren't Michael Jackson boxers. He could have started singing "Beat It" instead.


kurv3 0

Why you dropping your drawers to the floor? Dirtyyyy.

night_saint 5

OP where did you get those? I want a pair

iloveHU15 6

ah, that's just hilarious XP not really an FML moment, just SUPER awkward. :b

perdix 29

Little did he know that you were unaware of the Australian rock band, and you were displaying your undies to troll for other bisexuals.

SneakherHead 5

I would've played "TNT Dynamite" on my phone to see if he sang along