By Nohouseforme - 07/10/2016 05:38 - United States - Tempe

Today, I was house-hunting online. I was becoming increasingly discouraged and began to look for mini-houses in absurd desperation. I noticed the Google sidebar advertising a cute mini house within my budget. Excited, I clicked on the ad - only to discover it was an ad for a child's playhouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 528
You deserved it 1 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You would be better off renting until you can afford a house you want. You will be miserable in a house you have to settle for and if the house is at you max budget then you will be stuck for several years unless you take a loss on the house.


if you need help, I'm a realtor in az

I'm sure 7 little dwarfs would be highly pissed

You may need to move a bit further away and commute to your job or school. I know that's a pain, but usually being a bit further away from a city decreases the cost. Also, if it's stressing your budget too much, you may want to wait a bit. Maybe even look into foreclosure listings? Just be sure to have a home inspection done before buying a foreclosure. Happy house hunting!! I'm sure you will find something you love in your budget!

mrswombat 16

Look at RVS! I just bought a 30 ft 5th wheel (completely separate bedroom)for 7k. I'm selling my 3 bdrm house and moving into it to get debt free!

Either your budget is unrealistically low, or that child's house is ridiculously expensive.

That's why I bought my house in the ghetto. It was the same price as my rent per month and I'm building equity. Your first house is called a starter house for a reason. Good luck in your house hunt, don't give up! I looked at several dozen before I found one that meth my needs.

Meth: not sure if typo or ghetto joke.

First time reading this FML, I though you typed "mini horses." I was so confused as to why you switched from houses, to mini ponies, to a child's playhouse. I really need some sleep.

What will next fml be, about buying a jet and getting only a small one? White people problems.