Smurf mouth

By shoeaddiikt - 07/10/2009 07:48 - Australia

Today, I was in an exam and was chewing the end of my pen, stuck on a question. My mouth filled up with ink. I wasn't allowed to leave, so I had to sit for another hour with a foul-tasting blue tongue and a half-working pen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 254
You deserved it 42 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoonyIce 0

YDI, perhaps not so much for chewing your pen but for obviously not bringing along EXTRA pens, which I believe they specifically advise you to do.

nah the worst is when you lend a pen and then it comes back half-eaten :P


#1 with that logic you could say all FML's are YDI

spiffles 0

No, I'm pretty sure it is kind of stupid to chew on your pen. Gross, too.

OMG THAT HAPPEND TO ME ONCE THe teacher wouldnt let me leave :(

#1 - You should take other situations into consideration, like these ones: He could be nervous about the test he is taking and the question he is STUCK on, and start chewing on his pen, it could be a habit he developed as a baby, maybe it helps him think, I don't know. But more importantly, YOU don't know, which means you shouldn't post stupid comments like the one you did.

ahh that almost happened to me once that is so gross

Go to the bathroom and WASH it off. ink is poisonous. Its a free world. dont let a bitch of a teacher stop u

HahaYDI 0

No, they can't legally stop you, but they can fail you for leaving when it isn't break-time. And THAT would suck.

i've done that too.. but it wasn't as gross as when i bit into my glow in the dark mouthpiece.

wethequeens123 1

tht stuff can kill u if u accidently drank it. that teacher should b sued

MoonyIce 0

YDI, perhaps not so much for chewing your pen but for obviously not bringing along EXTRA pens, which I believe they specifically advise you to do.

he didn't have any cos he ate them all =P

Who uses a pen for a test anyway? What if you make a mistake?

You scratch it out? For most tests (important ones, at least) you're not even allowed to write in pencil unless it's a drawing

wow_3455 0

that's happened to me a lot before. I've had almost every colored pen in my mouth. it sucks. FYL

Sun_Kissed18 25

Anyone else think that sounds wrong?

Whirling_Kumquat 0

"that's happened to me a lot before. I've had almost every colored penis in my mouth. it sucks. FYL" Ahh, the wonders of a dirty mind.

nice one 28, and I am not just agreeing with u cuz of your profile picture. XD

physicist48 0

You didn't learn after the first time?

I've been waiting all my life for this to happen to somebody. It's horrible when you go to borrow a pen and it has been obviously chomped. Pen chewing is so gross.

You know what I would hate? If someone complained to me that the pen I let them borrow was chewed, when they didn't bring their own damn pen to begin with. Beggars can't be choosers. If you don't want a chewed pen, bring your own. It's a common habit, and people are going to do it, and as long as it's THEIR pen they have every damn right to.

I lent someone a pen once and when I got it back it was a completely different chewed up pen.

I have had this happen to me once before. Though thankfully I wasn't chewing hard on the pen. Now I make sure the pen is a sturdy one before I chew on it. ;)

that's why you chew on the CAP, not the pen itself...

Pen chewing is OK, as long as it is your own pen. I really hate it when I ask for a pen to borrow and I get a obviously half-eaten one.

If you're borrowing a pen, you can't be so selective. Bring your own pen if you're going to complain about the condition of it. As for the OP, YDI. I've seen pen chewers before, but none that chewed so hard they popped the pen in their mouth.

SomePinkTape 0