By saashtow - 07/10/2016 05:00 - United States - Auburn

Today, I told my boyfriend the exact moment I fell in love with him: when we made eye contact in a crowd on our fifth date. He asked if I wanted to know what he was thinking at that moment. I then found out it was, "I really hope she can't smell that fart." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 997
You deserved it 1 468

saashtow tells us more.

OP here! I did laugh. That's all there was to do. It just caught me completely off guard, I was expecting something sweet or romantic. But it's definitely something that he would do. And no, I couldn't smell it because I have a sinus condition that prevents me from being able to smell- he just didn't know it at the time.

Top comments

How romantic. He remembers that moment and he was thinking about you.

Not gonna lie, I probably would have started laughing. If nothing else, at least he's honest!


Not gonna lie, I probably would have started laughing. If nothing else, at least he's honest!

How romantic. He remembers that moment and he was thinking about you.

That's pretty funny honestly. He's a keeper.

Well, judging from how it turns out, im sure u didn't smell that fart!

Just think you could be putting put with his ass for years

Women often want to know what men are thinking about... until they learn what it is.