By Anonymous - 06/02/2017 12:00 - Canada - Toronto

Today, after months of apartment hunting with my boyfriend, he told me he had found a fantastic place that was really inexpensive. It seemed way too good to be true. It was. He took me to a storage unit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 526
You deserved it 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cootiequeen4444 11

I'd be scared he wanted to murder me and hide the body in the storage unit.. I don't think there is good air flow in those either and I'm unsure if it unlocks from the inside so even dumping you there alive could be an... issue...

the5thking 0

I mean it's possible but don't get caught


the5thking 0

I mean it's possible but don't get caught

cootiequeen4444 11

I'd be scared he wanted to murder me and hide the body in the storage unit.. I don't think there is good air flow in those either and I'm unsure if it unlocks from the inside so even dumping you there alive could be an... issue...

He's smart. Sunlight is overrated. As is fresh air.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

That's dangerous. You might to question why you picked him? That's not a good sign.

Since containers are so expensive nowadays, it was either that or a tent in the forest. If you save enough money, you could even build your own mini-house on wheels.

jcash52426 5

In pretty sure when you get the storage unit they make you sign something where you agree not to live in it ( at least they do in NYC).

After months of apartment hunting, boyfriend could have just made a joke with the storage unit. I can't imagine anyone wanting to live in there. But of course, we cannot tell, there's not enough information in this story.