By Tom_why - 23/05/2009 19:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I was helping some mental health patients at work, I spent 20 mins to fail to connect the DVD player to the TV and went back to make them something to eat. I came back into the room after 5 mins and one of the patients had connected it for himself. He has a profound learning disability. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 325
You deserved it 24 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your giving them way too little credit. They are humans like you and me after all.


WOW, you should be on a billboard for natural selection.....

lemony_music_grl 0

screw u 4 dissing mentally challenged ppl

Maybe he was the Rain Man of hooking DVD players up?

I'm usually pretty good with that kind of stuff, but its still a pain in the ass to try and hook everything up

unless the kid had a really bad learning disorder, you had no reason to expect the kid wasn't capable of doing that.. just because someone has a learning disorder, it doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing things themselves. Closed minded people are such a shame

I ADD and I really hard time at learning, but I am good with computer and other devices. I set up my ipod to play wirelessly with a bluetooth speaker for my grandma and she enjoys it. I also set up a record player to record songs and convert them to MP3s for my dad i get poor grades, I might not 'fit' into a place where you work but I know what I'm doing.

That's mostly just good that the patient has a talent, don't be down on yourself.

Learning Disability does not mean incompetent, maybe you shouldn't work in the field if you are going to stereotype and judge those you work with. - from a person with a Learning Disability who just graduated with their Masters

Uhhhhhhuh 0

Many people with mental disabilities have uncanny abilities. Have you not heard of people with ausbergers (sp?), or savants? Clearly, if you are working in this field regularly, you must brush up on your knowledge. And yes, I'm rather understanding in this subject, as I have a brother with autism.

simplewhimsy 0

That's not a FYL. Oftentimes people with disabilities have other areas that they excel in. For example, this kid who is my age with the mentality of a 7 year old whom I know. He can't read or write, and he has a short attention span, but he is a trivia maniac when it comes to movies and music. He can remember actors' names, repeat scenes word for word, and can remember lyrics without ever being able to read. He remembers more about movies than I could ever hope to. Heck, he even works ipods and other devices better than I. Rather than despair of yourself, you should be glad that these people have things that they can be great at. They aren't stupid, not by a long shot. Nor are they incompetent. I hope that you praised this patient when you got back. They need that. . .it's a hard world they live in.