Stuck in TV Hell

By Anonymous - 29/03/2020 23:00

Today, I'm self isolating with a mother who hogs the remote but doesn't know how to use it, and is so short-sighted she can barely see the TV. Every five minutes, I hear, "What have I done now?", "How have I got onto this then?" and she won't let me help her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 546
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give her the remote to an old VCR and you take the actual one, and let her amuse herself with pressing buttons.

Take the remote when she is sleeping and put paper and tape with cut outs only for power and channel and volume buttons


Give her the remote to an old VCR and you take the actual one, and let her amuse herself with pressing buttons.

Take the remote when she is sleeping and put paper and tape with cut outs only for power and channel and volume buttons

Get a universal TV remote control for yourself (less than $10).

pepe_lover3000 1

Download the remote on your phone to control it