By anon - 03/08/2016 03:28

Today, I was working at the hospital and it was very busy. Unthinking, I told a patient in a wheelchair to "sit tight" while I checked on something. He mocked me for the rest of his stay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 162
You deserved it 2 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your patient has a good sense of humour.

So you told somebody to sit tight who was sitting in a chair with wheels on either side that he could use to move around? That… actually sounds more appropriate than telling somebody in a standard chair to sit tight. It's not exactly like they're going to hold onto the bottom of the chair and hop around in it.


Mabye you should be a little more cautious about how you phrase things since you work at a hospital.

Maybe people shouldn't take things said in obvious ignorance (not thinking before speaking ignorance) so seriously.

dietcoke09 25

Oh yeah because hospitals aren't stressful enough?

OP didn't really say anything insulting, it was actually appropriate as the patient is sitting in a chair in which they can transport themselves. They patient only thought of it in terms of getting out of the chair and walking away, hopefully they both had a good laugh out of the situation.

Your patient has a good sense of humour.

FYL because a patient was joking around with you? Huh? Additionally, how on earth did this get published but mine on the day when I found out my best friend was moving to Omaha, my grandmother had a stroke, and when I got home from the hospital my beloved cat had a broken leg did NOT?

You sound pretty bitter, #21. Unfortunately, that attitude gets you nowhere on this site. P.S. That sounds more like F your best friend's, grandmother's, and cat's lives. Not yours.

I was gonna say, at least he found it amusing.

amileah13 26

For me, I say "sit tight" a lot too even when working with patients who are confined to wheelchairs. It's okay, op. Force of habit

Good attempt at trying to diffuse a tense situation..

That's messed up. What'd u expect from him, a standing ovation?

Hospitals make most patients use wheelchairs even if they can ambulate, to avoid liability issues. The patient may still be able to stand.

At least he didn't seem to take offense to it? Lol

I know, right? OP basically just wrote this FML to tell us how cool their patients are.

At least you didn't say to a paraplegic "don't go anywhere, I'll be right back".

Unless they were quadriplegic they may still be capable of self transport in a wheel chair using their arms.

Sometimes ya hit, but most the time as humans we miss. Yet, each miss makes an interesting story and what's the world without a good story.

So you told somebody to sit tight who was sitting in a chair with wheels on either side that he could use to move around? That… actually sounds more appropriate than telling somebody in a standard chair to sit tight. It's not exactly like they're going to hold onto the bottom of the chair and hop around in it.

I beg to differ! Were i given the option, and a sufficiently strong chair, i would do nothing but chair hop around a hospital. Alas, no chairs are that strong...and its been said that if i do manage to do that, i'll be removed from the premises. Well, theres always a rocket/jet powered wheelchair:)