By Tom_why - 23/05/2009 19:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I was helping some mental health patients at work, I spent 20 mins to fail to connect the DVD player to the TV and went back to make them something to eat. I came back into the room after 5 mins and one of the patients had connected it for himself. He has a profound learning disability. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 325
You deserved it 24 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your giving them way too little credit. They are humans like you and me after all.


just because he has a learning disability doesnt mean hes dumb u *****

CaptainPat 0

Red wire goes in the red socket yellow wire goes in the yellow socket. thats how you set up a dvd player. pretty simple.

spaztasticMiMi 0

well at leat they accomplished something that day =p

that's not a FML, that's a great example of how people with learning disabilities are very smart in other aspects, you judgmental a-hole.

zee209 0

Just because he has a learning disability doesn't mean he can't do anything...You're just being a judgmental asshole...

Sugar_lipsXo 0

i dont think they're disabled, they just learn differently.

TryToBeKind 0

How long have you worked in MRDD? You'll learn that they may be slow, they may have limitations, but they are not stupid. I know a 100 lb girl who can throw my 300 lb co worker when she's pissed off - usually because her DVD player isn't working. I know a man who cannot talk and his IQ is below 50, but he can take apart and put together damn near anything you hand him. You're not stupid, you just have issues with some things. I can't get my video camera to connect properly to the DVD player but my 8-year-old can. I can fix my lawnmower and get my car moving again. People have different talents, that's OK.

blackeagle67 1

im truly sorry but: Girl??

That's not an FML, I think it's great for him!

I have ADD and a learning disability, anxiety, and depression. So according to you I should be less intelligent, right? How about you contact me when you write a full-length novel, plays, and actually get them published. That's right. I did not "surpass" learning disabilities. I said "F you" to all the people who tried to change the way I learned and created a learning regiment that worked for my learning DIFFERANCE! People like you are why kids like me give up. If it were not for the mental health care professionals and teachers in this world who actually cared, I would have never gotten to where I am. At almost the age of 20, I am a certified 3D Animator and Graphic Designer. I have worked at news stations, helped start up companies, and won professional art competitions. I have worked on campaigns, published a novel (first in a serries), written two full-length plays and one short- both of which are to be published soon. I am also going for a bachelor's degree right now in philosophy and politics with a minor in art education. I can hook up a DVD player just fine. Maybe you need to check yourself on who has the real learning disability.