By Anonymous - 24/08/2016 03:07 - United States - Dover

Today, I was helping my Grandfather to sort through tubs and bins after cleaning out his attic, and I had to move a 50lb bin downstairs. That's when the dog thought it would be funny to block the top of the stairs as I was going down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 676
You deserved it 1 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

These kinds of fmls are weird, like there is no real fml except one that is implied. Was it fml because it was heavy and they couldn't get through, or was it fml because the dog found out how heavy 50 lbs were when it was crushed? Alot of the times they are ok because the name can explain what happened but not here.


it's not really as if the dog knew you were carrying something that weighed fifty pounds

These kinds of fmls are weird, like there is no real fml except one that is implied. Was it fml because it was heavy and they couldn't get through, or was it fml because the dog found out how heavy 50 lbs were when it was crushed? Alot of the times they are ok because the name can explain what happened but not here.

Pretty sure the FML is that OP dropped a 50 pound bin down the stairs. And possibly went down after it. As for the dog, the FML would imply that when OP tripped/dropped the bin, he/she/it was moving. Therefore the bin was also moving. Simple physics would indicate that the bin did not lose its horizontal motion when it was dropped, unless OP purposely stopped and dropped the bin on the dog. Tl;dr Dropping a 50 pound bin down stairs is a worthy FML, and either the dog is fine or OP should never be allowed to have pets again.

Well the thing about that is that we still don't know, being pretty sure won't change anything

The "pretty sure" was meant to be more snide/condescending than actually saying that I'm pretty sure. It's like when you're correcting someone and you say "pretty sure ... blah blah blah".

Damn it. You're a sick ****, and I accidentally upvoted you. So I'm writing this comment as a substitute downvote. Also, you should never have pets, ever.

DragonRain3390 4

I'm hoping that the OP didn't fall down the stairs as a result...

Geckosrock99 33

This is why whenever I do anything like that, I lock my pets in a different room until I am done. Sure, they may not like it, but it keeps them from "helping" too much. Everything gets done faster without having to shoo pets out of the way every two seconds.

I thought this one was going to end with you finding a crate of pictures from your grandfather's career modeling adult diapers or something. . .gee whiz, a dog got in my way

When this happens I just head down the stairs the dog usually leaves...or in this case grab a different bin until the dog leaves...