By Shoes - 12/06/2009 05:33 - United States

Today, I was helping an old man find a pair of shoes. I told him about a particularly comfortable pair but had to inform him that they only came in black or white. Hearing this, the old man grabbed me around the neck and began to beat me in the head with our display shoe. He wanted brown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 149
You deserved it 4 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well maybe you shouldnt be so racist with your shoes and shit.

You got your but kicked by an old man...LOL! Just aim for the hip next time takes them down no problem.


Cat135 0

hahahah that is a great fml moment xD

holy crap, that's awful! Why are people laughing at someone beating on you? Jeez.

oh whatever. no one does that. ever. stupid liar.

gunnar_fml 0
arienh4 0

#26 I really wonder why nobody ever reads the rules.

Wow, I don't get how everyone found this funny. If anyone did this to me, even if it was an old man, I'd be ready to fight. Or at least call the cops.

Hope you called the police. Assault is not a laughing matter. What that man did is a crime.