By studentdriver828 - 12/06/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, I got my drivers license suspended until I am 18 for driving without a license. Where was I driving to? My last day of Drivers Ed. The high school where I take Drivers Ed. classes at is across the street from my house. I gave up 3 years of driving to drive 100 feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 425
You deserved it 104 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you deserved it. why couldn't you just walk 100 feet. it's not hard

Walk! Better for you, better for our environment!


Walk! Better for you, better for our environment!

BtcKashew 0

You lazy crotch (yes, crotch not couch.) potato.

I wonder why everyone keeps pointing out the fact that they were lazy... However, they fail to realize that maybe the OP was just excited to drive! They might have thought "Oh it's just 100 feet no big deal, nothing bad could happen." Similar to when your parents would take you to an empty parking lot so you could practice driving. Unfortunately for them it didn't work out so well.

"Better for our environment". Like it matters if he goes 100 feet, it's not like it does a difference.

you deserved it. why couldn't you just walk 100 feet. it's not hard

unless you need your own car for the course...but don't they usually provide that?

You Lazy Bastard, entirely your own fault.

It's your own damn "vault" ( anyone here a "land of the lost" fan :p)

YDI. Just like those people that sit in the parking lot aisle closest to the building waiting for a spot when there are clearly open ones in the next aisle over

there has to be some way to get out of that?