By secenteenmagazine. - 22/02/2009 06:34 - Canada

Today, I was happy because my exact shirt and sweater were in Seventeen Magazine. They were in the "What not to wear" category. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 243
You deserved it 13 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hayleyyy 0

I agree with #3. It shouldn't matter what you wear, and if it does, you've got some serious life problems ahead of ya.

#7, I just wanted to let you know the irony of you not knowing how to spell "retarded" was not overlooked. And to the OP, serves you right for reading that trash anyway.


hayleyyy 0

I agree with #3. It shouldn't matter what you wear, and if it does, you've got some serious life problems ahead of ya.

holynemesis1208 3

i think thats awesome. i would now love that outfit 10x's more and totally show it off.

#7, I just wanted to let you know the irony of you not knowing how to spell "retarded" was not overlooked. And to the OP, serves you right for reading that trash anyway.

If some fcked magazine makes you FYL, then you should jump from to window.

Cloudy_fml 0

#7 ~ Not everyone has the same body type. So even if the shape didn't suit whoever was wearing it in the magazine, that doesn't mean it wouldn't suit anyone. *retarded OP ~ Don't pay attention to that trash. If you like it, wear it!

wlddog 14

Uh... Yeah, body type. Those darn models with two legs and arms look so weird. How about burn the worthless fashion magazines. They only tell you to buy more garbage. How about you ignore their marketing and you decide what you like and not like all on your own,,, you know,,, like an adult. (I agree with the last part of your comment)

on the other hand, many teenage girls swear by this magazine, and follow it religiously, so whenever she wears this outfit she will probably be mocked. behind her back, if not to her face.

jayhawk63 0

#15 is right. Seventeen magazine blows. You're wasting your money if you have a subscription.

I was once mad when I saw one of my favorite shirts in that magazine a few months after I got it cause then everyone else would be buying it x(. And sure enough, now every time I wear it people are like "OMG I have that shirt too!!" Yeah, but I got it to be unique. Ugh.

CaptainCrunch_fml 0

#14, I don't know any girl that follows seventeen "religiously." What the hell are you talking about? I don't see any girls even wear the outfits that those magazines portray.

14, maybe because you don't know every single teenage girl. There's a reason the magazine still exists.

slyvanilla_creme 0

i read that things should match and then a couple of years later, not matching was in....trends change but people are unique b/c they are different and have their own style...just rock your style and don't let that change how you live up to media standards...if you like it, that's all that matters...i mean its all relative anyway...what is "in?"