Double trouble

By Anonymous - 28/05/2019 20:10

Today, I found out that the doctors accidentally perforated my left ear drum performing a routine wax syringing. I was at the doctor's for a completely different reason, having crushed my pinky at the gym. They can't fix either and my finger needs surgery, which can't happen until next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 909
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Routine wax syringing for a crushed pinkie? *cough* unnecessary procedure *cough* How did your routine mammogram and routine prostate exam go?

literally everyone calls it the pinky finger


bluhbluhbluh 14
Skydome6666 6

ydi for still using the term pinky.

literally everyone calls it the pinky finger

what the hell else are you supposed to call the fourth finger?

Have an otologist look at it, and don’t let it get wet. Probably will heal on its own, but play it safe. Your doc should be using a rubber bulb syringe for wax flushing.

Routine wax syringing for a crushed pinkie? *cough* unnecessary procedure *cough* How did your routine mammogram and routine prostate exam go?

Patient: Hi doc, I crushed my finger at the gym, I think it’s broken? Dr: Ok, but how about your ears? Bizarre....