By Dumped - 22/12/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, I was going on a date with my girlfriend. When I took her home, her sister came to the door. I used to date her sister and I didn't know they were related. My girlfriend realized this, then kicked me in the crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 092
You deserved it 11 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flyintonite 0

This happened to me... but with best friends instead. Advice to all men if you are going to date a woman KNOW her inner circle inside and out. All her friends names who their friends with etc, a little excessive but trust me it saves a lot of headaches.


She didn't kick you in the balls just because you dated her sister, she was kicking you in advance because she knew you were about to ask for a threesome.

What the hell did you do to her sister? Sounds like you either made this up, or you're only telling half the story.

No worries! *pours syrup on the double post and eats* =3

as if any guy deserves that. what's wrong with you also to the OP you are awesome

O_o WTF did you do to her sister to deserve such a beating??????? I mean, most sane women would just give their boyfriends The Look if they found out the guys were previously dating their sisters...only kick them in the sac if there was rape or abuse involved. But then, what do I know...this girl might just be a total nutjob who flies off the handle without any provocation. And unless they lived apart, how did you not know that your ex had a sister when you were dating her? Did you never meet her family??

Yes, because the guy always does something wrong. Although I do think he may have done something in this case. Whatever it was, he doesn't deserve that and he should get charges pressed against her. I doubt he tried to rape her sister or anything.

Except in the case of assault, mercifully few things warrant a kick to the balls. Why? Because kick to the balls=possible severe trauma, infertility, and psychological (if he ends up losing them) damage. This certainly is not a situation that earned a balls kicking. FYL, hope she doesn't like wearing combat boots.

What's wrong with having dated your current girlfriend's sister?

beastieboy21 0

that's ducked up, that ducks for ur junk