By jealouspussy - 20/02/2013 06:55 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I was giving my guy a blowjob. When he blurted out, "Oh Jesus" I assumed I was doing a good job. I looked up to see the expression on his face and noticed a look of terror. He was staring at my growling cat, two seconds away from clawing his face off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 488
You deserved it 5 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

felidsentry 17

He'll never look at a pussy the same way again.


It was obviously just a typo. Nothing to do with bad grammar.

life_sucks225 13

i hate cats for that specific reason

felidsentry 17

He'll never look at a pussy the same way again.

thinking of you saying that while making the face you have in your profile pic made that comment even better!

Oh, these cats... Always come to watch you when you're having sex.

It's very entertaining seeing one of you in pain while the other is enjoying themselves. In this case no one was in pain therefor the cat needed to make more entertaining

iGottaFindBubbah 12

It's true, lol cats are creepers.

This really is true, my cat would sit at the foot of the bed and watch my boyfriend and I. Every goddamn time!

Leprekhaun 14

They are studying human interactions in hopes of finding a weakness.

When I'm getting a ******* and have a pussy in my face at the same time, it's called 69. Sounds like it's the bf that should have posted the FML.

Maybe the cat was jealous. You should try getting it a girlfriend so it doesn't have to fight over you.

Sounds like OP already knew that, judging by her username.

So his face... It was actually clawed off? Pics or it didn't happen

It's a well-known fact that ******* prefer *********** to fellatio.