By mixedupminx - 06/02/2017 15:06 - Netherlands - Wageningen

Today, I found out why my thesis supervisor made me change my whole project I was working on for the past 3 months. Apparently, he had another student doing the same thing and they published it today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 466
You deserved it 755

mixedupminx tells us more.

Op here, it turned out that this other guy was working on it before me (under the same supervisor..) so he rightfully published it. in the end I kind of resumed his thesis and continued best I could. It sucked, but I really want to graduate!

Top comments

That's a lot of work for nothing :( you'd think after three months your "supervisor" would have noticed what your thesis was about before this.


I believe they are using FML as a platform for complaining.

#3, Pretty sure #1 meant that OP should report the superior, as in file a complaint somewhere where it'll be heard & processed.

That's a lot of work for nothing :( you'd think after three months your "supervisor" would have noticed what your thesis was about before this.

So now you need to do a thesis on "why thesis supervisors should be more organized". Seriously though FYL

That's stupid, the other guy should have cancelled theirs. You seem to have been working on it for longer, so they should have had to have their thesis changed, not yours. Sorry OP.

Three months is actually probably not the longer time to have been working on a project in some subjects, I'd say the other person probably had been working on it longer. It's really not okay for the supervisor to have given OP the project work while someone else was already working on it since this was likely to happen in the long run. I'm sorry OP, FYL indeed.

A thesis takes a long time to write. The other guy was probably working on theirs before OP.

Most theses take years to complete, depending on the program.

If a thesis was just published while OP was still working on theirs, odds are the other person had started way before the OP, possibly months to years before, which could explain why the supervisor forgot the topic was assigned a long time ago

did they submitted the project before you? I think if you would've submitted it earlier, maybe he would've make them change the topic instead of you but either way its his fault.

mariri9206 32

They likely submitted it, at most, years before OP did. Most thesis' take years to write and research.

I'd complain about the supervisor. That is poor management/supervisory skills.

Op here, it turned out that this other guy was working on it before me (under the same supervisor..) so he rightfully published it. in the end I kind of resumed his thesis and continued best I could. It sucked, but I really want to graduate!

AlyssaSkySky 2

You should still probably complain to someone above their head.

chessu 21

Genuine question - why can't the two of you have the same topic?

hey! it's not a problem to have the same topic, but doing a (too similar) research is not accepted. Even when you're not aware of it. By the way, thank you all for the kind responses! I was really in a bad place after getting the news that my research was being invalidated, now I'm almost done!