By saltinawound - 05/03/2009 06:38 - United States

Today, I was dumped by my boyfriend of almost a year because he was no longer sexually attracted to me because I'm "overweight," even though I only weigh 130 pounds. Afterward I went to my friend's house and sat in an old wooden chair. It broke into pieces as soon as I sat down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 097
You deserved it 9 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awe, you poor thing! im so sorry to hear that!!!!!! you are NOT overweight. Screw that guy! Theres someone much better out there for you!

l33tm0nk3y 0

Ouch...what a dick. And that chair just had to go and be the icing on the excrement cake, huh? That's rough.


number 11 you are stupid...130 is fat for some people number 13 i bet your guy friends will **** the 90 pound girl with less confidence than the 130 dog that loves herself

#80 that is sickening i cannot believe you actually think that. 120 for someone 5'6 is very thin.

leonhaba 0

well damn, you're only 130... I mean, I'm a good 15 pounds heavier than you, and I'd say I'm a pretty average size... and I'm average height as well. So that guy is dumb and doesn't deserve someone like you.

reqqkd 0

... don't worry im sure the chair was made out of ... balsa

Raven_fml 0

130 is only overweight if the OP is like, a little person. It's a healthy weight for anyone 5'1 to 5'9.

Dude, **** that guy! That is NOT overweight! He is ******* nutts! That bothers me.

at least you're confident enough to realize he's an idiot and you're not in any way overweight. and i broke a leg off of a chair back when i was younger and weighed like 115. don't take the chair personally.

Hahahah oh honey that is just the worst luck - obviously you aren't overweight at 130lbs unless you're 2' tall. Try to look at it like the universe trying to make you smile; the absurdity is just too much. Anyone who would say that has some pretty serious issues of their own to work out, and is nasty to boot. I'd venture a guess that almost anyone in the world would be better than that loser.