By Noname - 08/03/2009 07:11 - United States

Today, I was driving on the freeway in the back seat of my friends car. I looked over to the left and was greeted by a van full of adolescent boys waving and making the "call me" hand gesture. I then happened to looked down and realized that my right boob was completely out of my top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 192
You deserved it 54 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how is it not possable to tell ur boob is out of ur top????? I know i would notice.....

carriealana 0

That's what you get for driving in the backseat. I don't even know how you managed that one! Just kidding. I just hate it when people say driving when they weren't actually driving >_> ANYWAY yeah you probably should've noticed that one. I'd say you deserved it.


wrestler_fml 0

What a clown... hahaha you probably have implants, and you DEFINITELY weren't wearing the right top.

idk, id say you are pretty lucky "/ like, it could have been a lot worse. and grow some balls & stop crying about it- take it as a compliment. you should have given those kids your digits. at least all the awkward stuff would be out of the way :]

driving in the backseat with your boobs out is very dangerous. and i thought talking on your cell phone was bad...

lol probably made up this fml and it backfired

gqduck 0

You are so fake. Yesterday you said that you crashed your car while flirting with a bunch of guys. Then today you said that your mom claimed your brother's girlfriend was a better daughter than you.

WeaponX1709 0

ok your an idiot, im not a girl or anything but it seems like you should notice if your boob is hanging out or not

apart from this probably being made up, and how you didn't notice you were hanging out, how did it happen in the first place? presumably you were sitting pretty still

I realize other people have said this, but yeah, how would that happen? And how would you not notice? I'd sure as hell notice if my boob was hanging out of my shirt.

e_wal329 0

#14s comment is prolly even more funny than the original FML.

why are people hating on her? i would be happy if a saw me some freeway boob