By Noname - 08/03/2009 07:11 - United States

Today, I was driving on the freeway in the back seat of my friends car. I looked over to the left and was greeted by a van full of adolescent boys waving and making the "call me" hand gesture. I then happened to looked down and realized that my right boob was completely out of my top. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 192
You deserved it 54 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how is it not possable to tell ur boob is out of ur top????? I know i would notice.....

carriealana 0

That's what you get for driving in the backseat. I don't even know how you managed that one! Just kidding. I just hate it when people say driving when they weren't actually driving >_> ANYWAY yeah you probably should've noticed that one. I'd say you deserved it.


if the top was loose fitting and/or had a low neckline, it's understandable if you didn't notice your boob fell out. if it was a reasonably tight top, how didn't you notice?