By ithinkimturningjapanese - 06/08/2015 08:33 - United States - Apo

Today, I was diagnosed with food poisoning for the third time since moving to this base in Japan. My husband keeps cooking questionable meat and vegetables from the commissary because he thinks the food from a Japanese grocery store is radioactive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 793
You deserved it 2 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy food for yourself and let him eat his commissioned food.

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones, enough to make my system blow, welcome to the new age, to the new age.


TheNoNameGuy 20

That's cool. I'm on a base with my parents in Japan too.

I'm in the germany base and this happened to my friend to lol it's ok op keep your head up

Tell your husband he's a dumbass and to stop poisoning you. Seriously, don't eat what he cooks, cook separately.

What caused it is a good idea to stay away from for a bit...

It's a legitimate concern because of the fukushima power plant disaster. Fish have higher levels of radiation in their cells all over the planet because of it affecting radiation in the oceans, so the localized effects on produce being even higher in some areas is not only a possibility but a high probability.

Rosemarypr 8

Tell him that it's all imported from California, OP.

Let me guess: your husband is one of the people they do the cartoon field manuals for because words are hard.

The commissary is a grocery store, the only difference is it is cheaper and has no tax. Maybe, it's not the very good food on base, maybe it's your cooking.

"My HUSBAND keeps cooking..." To explain in case you don't get it, either way it's the OP's husband at least partially at fault, either for buying spoiled or otherwise contaminated food, or for cooking it incorrectly. Maybe pay closer attention to phrasing next time instead of assuming the woman is as fault for bad cooking.

Denise1988 13

Right. It sounds like her husband isn't thoroughly cooking poultry. I've lived at one of the usaf bases in Japan and the commissary is not bad.

Everything is radioactive pretty much anyway. Stand next to a microwave and use your phone.