By IllJustGetYouASweaterThen - 04/08/2010 07:58 - United States

Today, I was called handsome. Too bad it was coming from a trashed homeless lady, who then went on to tell me that she likes my lips and wants to rape me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 450
You deserved it 4 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what part of trashed homeless lady doesn't put any of you off??


Einthe 0

So hot. You did let her, right? I mean, when a trashed homeless woman says she likes your lips, you pretty much have to let her rape you as a sign of gratitude for the compliment. AAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN YOU, ANTI-FLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

make her shower and bang that homeless bitch!

Hwikek 2

That person must have issues. Try being in a car next time

Maake sure you get all of your shots first.

omega802 0

naahh you'd like it so it won't be considered rape XD

So what was she gonna do? Shove you in her shopping cart and make off with you?

tchaikovsky93 0
MoJoThundRpants 0

She said "likes your lips and wants to rape me"? Does that mean she was asking you to rape her, and she likes your lips?