Take it where you can

By charapos - 26/10/2021 11:00

Today, I got called beautiful for the first time in forever. The lady who called me beautiful was herself very pretty and VERY drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 790
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Royal Sataness 4

drunk words are sober thoughts. she probably did legit think you're beautiful

bobsanction 18

If a drunk person says you're pretty, then you're pretty. Deal with it.


Because she has more credibility. Would it be different if a moron or a genius said you were smart?

Royal Sataness 4

drunk words are sober thoughts. she probably did legit think you're beautiful

Marcella1016 31

I’d still take it. How did you manage to turn this into an FML? Lol If it matters to you and you haven’t heard it in awhile and someone calls you beautiful - take the compliment! It also shouldn’t matter how pretty she is or isn’t. Were you saying that that negates her compliment? Why would it? That sounds kind of petty. And in my experience, pretty people seem to be more likely to voice whether someone else is attractive. Take the compliment! Finally, her being drunk probably just lowered her inhibitions and enabled her to say something she was thinking anyway but may not normally have voiced out loud. Take the compliment! You found a way to turn a positive into a negative lol. Maybe the correlation between positivity/pleasantness and attractiveness has something to do with you not hearing that particular compliment in awhile. Try being more positive, and you will attract that into your life! 😄 TL;DR: Stop being petty and take a compliment.

bobsanction 18

If a drunk person says you're pretty, then you're pretty. Deal with it.

Wadlaen 23

You get the truth from little children and drunk people, as we say in Norway - you're beautiful! Accept it!😉