By tryscal - 12/07/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I was attempting to teach a bunch of 2nd and 5th graders on why it's so important to face your fears and try your best. It was going pretty well, until I was attacked by a pair of butterflies. I am afraid of butterflies - I ran away screaming like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 278
You deserved it 56 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nomad609 0

YDI for letting your fear get the best of you when you should have acted tough in front of your students. Practice what you preach. Then again.. Seriously, butterflies? LMAO XD

dRose22 0

Can't imagine what you would do if they were bees.


leos1991 0

Lmfao hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha

Yeah a lot of people are scared of butterflies. Have you never heard of an IRRATIONAL fear? Just because it can't hurt someone doesn't mean that person can't be scared of it, hense the IRrational side of it. P.s. Yeah i am scared of them. Well i just hate them i know they can't hurt me but i hate anything that flies because that means it can fly at you & it just annoys me. But hey such is life.

I don't like bugs or spiders that can fly or jump either, especially if they get near my face. Butterflies I'm better with because I actually kind of like them, but the second one starts flying at me, I'm ducking and dodging it just the same. People give me shit all the time for it. Now that I think of it, couldn't the OP have said that he was trying to teach them to get over irrational fears at a young age so they don't end up like him? That and why was he teaching outside where he knew his fear would be?

wutevs88 0

my old coach was afraid of butterflies!

tbbays04 0

Haha, I'm afraid of butterflies too...

tayafrombk 0

im scared of butterflies too i freakin hate them idk y ppl think there so cute there so ugly to me

I find that hilarious. My best friend is afraid of butterflies too.

YDI for doing teaching for a living.

afraid of butterflies? what a ******.