By tryscal - 12/07/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I was attempting to teach a bunch of 2nd and 5th graders on why it's so important to face your fears and try your best. It was going pretty well, until I was attacked by a pair of butterflies. I am afraid of butterflies - I ran away screaming like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 278
You deserved it 56 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nomad609 0

YDI for letting your fear get the best of you when you should have acted tough in front of your students. Practice what you preach. Then again.. Seriously, butterflies? LMAO XD

dRose22 0

Can't imagine what you would do if they were bees.


Butterflies don't bother me, but moths! :O I hate them.

brie3 0

I can't believe this is the second story I've read on fmylife that was written by someone who's afraid of butterflies!!!

Aha, I'm not alone! I've been terrified of butterflies/moths for as long as I can remember. I'd have probably screamed too XP

dramakat11 0

That's such ****** up, rude, offensive language implying there is something wrong with being gay. There is not.

pneumoniaman 0

Who gets scared of a butterfly? Honestly?

I thought I was the only person afraid of butterflies!

grow a set - butterflies... i think its best you don't leave the house until youve conquered all of your fears. what doesnt scare you?

You use this word, "attacked". I do not think it means what you think it means.

dramakat11 0

Well, you are definitely a hypocrite, lol. Come on, butterflies are so pretty and harmless! But people have strange phobias...Could be a repressed childhood memory...idk

Microsoftfan 0

See, butterflies are nothing to be afraid of. Now spiders, that's a phobia lots of people have. To tell the truth, I still do. I will kill them to get them out of, say, my room when I'm trying to sleep, but the way they move, it's just intimidating... Anyway, YDI for being a hypocrite.