By tryscal - 12/07/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I was attempting to teach a bunch of 2nd and 5th graders on why it's so important to face your fears and try your best. It was going pretty well, until I was attacked by a pair of butterflies. I am afraid of butterflies - I ran away screaming like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 278
You deserved it 56 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nomad609 0

YDI for letting your fear get the best of you when you should have acted tough in front of your students. Practice what you preach. Then again.. Seriously, butterflies? LMAO XD

dRose22 0

Can't imagine what you would do if they were bees.


iusticanun 0

I don't get it. I could understand being afraid of spiders, or bees, or other things that bite/sting, but... Butterflies? I know a phobia is an IRRATIONAL fear, but still... There are better things to fear, even irrationally. And there are a lot of weird phobias like that -- somniphobia (sleep), pediophobia (dolls), ablutophobia (bathing), spectrophobia (mirrors/one's reflection). The list goes on...

Hahaha. Wow. Quite a few people are scared of butterflies. I have a fear of butterflies too and had to explain it to a friend of mine yesterday. Sure, they're delicate and can be pretty, but they're still an insect, they're flying around/towards you, and they can be pretty big. Plus, their colors make it pretty obvious and hard to ignore. I didn't really have a fear of them as a kid, but I developed it about two years ago. So much for being scarred as a kid.

You know why you never see butterflies at night? Because the people who do see them aren't alive to tell of it. Idiots. Butterflies are the most harmless insects out there.

Looks like someone else has to face their fears before teaching 2nd-5th grader kids on how to face there fears. Not only does it look bad as an adult, it will show fear and teach kids its ok to show fear if an adult (especially coming from a male) as it shows dominancy.

To run like mad from a butterfly... It is not just a regular kind of fear, I think you could get rid of this by going to a psychanalyst.

Lmfao butterflies. I'm only afraid of bugs that can seriously harm me like spiders.

ozymandias_fml 0
caltain 0

Yeah, butterflies are viscious. Fluffy bunnies and baby ducklings, too.

hele_fml 1

Excuse me...BUTTERFLIES? How is that even possible? Yeah, YDI for being a hypocrite. And for being scared of butteflies.

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

Well, that sucks. I have never heard of someone being afraid of butterflies, but hey, there's nothing wrong with that. :) It's okay to have a weak side.