By tryscal - 12/07/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I was attempting to teach a bunch of 2nd and 5th graders on why it's so important to face your fears and try your best. It was going pretty well, until I was attacked by a pair of butterflies. I am afraid of butterflies - I ran away screaming like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 278
You deserved it 56 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nomad609 0

YDI for letting your fear get the best of you when you should have acted tough in front of your students. Practice what you preach. Then again.. Seriously, butterflies? LMAO XD

dRose22 0

Can't imagine what you would do if they were bees.


ed1721 0

You should've said..."So you see kids, if your scared of butterflies, don't run face them."

Ibeapirate 0

Butterflies?...I was going to ask, did you have a traumatic experience with butterflies at some point, but I can't imagine any scenario that would involve butterflies inducing fear. >_

suckstobeyou3 0

hahaa. i was gonna say something along the lines of "HYPOCRITE ALERT!" but someone already did ):

nolli024 0

YDI for being afraid of butterflies and running away from butterflies. /:

some butterflies have poison in their wings no joke but I ain't afriad of little butterlies. just careful.

Umm this is like the third "FML" about being afraid of butterflies that I've seen in the last couple months. Either one person keeps posting a variation of the same story, or there are a LOT more people afraid of butterflies than I thought possible. What's wrong with you people? Butterflies are sweet and gentle and pretty. Weirdos...

I'm afraid of butterflies too...deathly afraid. You're not alone :)

I don't understand phobias in general, but this is pathetic. You're all ******* *******. Now if you're afraid of something that's actually dangerous, I won't judge, but butterflies? Get the **** over it. YDI

I would really like to see someone illustrate this one... xD