By Elmoo - 01/06/2012 01:20 - Netherlands

Today, I was at work when a customer, who was going to pay for her groceries, started sorting through her money. She put some coins in her mouth, seemed to suck on them for a while, and then gave them to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 566
You deserved it 1 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those coins have been far worse places, trust me. As a cashier myself, I just go with the assumption that all the money is absolutely disgusting, so just don't touch your face and wash your hands after your shift

ollallie 0


SwtCherryPie 26

Thats soo gross. I hate when you get a bill thats wet and you dont know where it came from. Like, ew god, did this come from some fat bitches sweaty **** (or when you see them pull it out of their bra and you know for sure it is that).

There was still cocaine on there... Can't let it go to waste!

That's so gross. Whoever you work for, really should bring up a new policy that I've started seeing more often. "We will not accept money payments from undergarments", or however that's worded. Meaning they won't accept a sweaty dollar bill out of somebody's bra. YUCK

and I meant to add, it's basically the same concept coming out of somebody's mouth. that's just plain nasty and un-hygienic.

pfclunchbox005 1

That's ******* gross I would have refused.

caplox 6

thats sick. next time use gloves

tehdarkness 21

Ugh! I getting more an more sick of dealing with idiots!

xPlayerofDeathx 0

Piece of candy, anyone? OP, I feel sorry for you. My gramma used to put paper in her mouth... Good luck!