By the forgotten one - 30/01/2012 03:01 - United States

Today, my grandfather sent everyone in my family an email thanking them for the photo we got him. I'd bought the frame, edited the picture, and delivered it to him. All everyone else did was show up and complain while the picture was being taken. I'm the only one who didn't get a thank you email. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 033
You deserved it 2 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Picture's worth a thousand words, OP. Send him one of a pretty birdie.

I think the reason OP is upset is because he/she was excluded. It's not about recognition or receiving anything in return, it's the fact that the person mainly responsible for the photo wasn't included in the thank yous. Which is kinda ****** up.


Picture's worth a thousand words, OP. Send him one of a pretty birdie.

MrBoredGuy 1

I can't think of a 1000 words to say about a birdie

I didnt know the point of giving nice gifts was to receive the most credit. Sucks but not a big deal.

Obnoxious Penguin. I hate those Tuxedo wankers...

The part of the internet i come from OP means over powered sooo....i have to know what it is here...same with YDI, where do you guys come up with these?

34- Odd Perverts Oogling Partially Overdeveloped Photos Of Panda Orgy Parties On Pontoons OP is far easier to type.

Story of my life... Mines the same way..

Optimus prime. That's the only one you need to know.

34 I already covered this but I'll do it again, OP and YDI mean: Oprah's Penis Over Penguins Orange Potty Overused Plum YDI means You Don't **** It.

Well if you delivered it to him he probably said 'Thank you' in person and didn't think an email was necessary.

XenaWP 6

Its not about the credit, it's about giving someone a nice family portrait. As long as it was appreciated, it doesnt matter that you got no recognition.

I don't get why people always expect something in return. What happened to doing nice things just for the sake of it?

I think the reason OP is upset is because he/she was excluded. It's not about recognition or receiving anything in return, it's the fact that the person mainly responsible for the photo wasn't included in the thank yous. Which is kinda ****** up.

I'm sorry, pretty much all people out there do that for the recognition. I mean, a large part of it is the goodness of the deed, but being recognized for it is a huge motivator.

charmedamethyst 14

I don't believe OP was expecting anything in return, but a 'thank you' would have sufficed. She was hurt because she didn't receive any acknowledgment whatsoever, when she was the one who did all of the work, while the rest of her family, who didn't even seem to show any concern about it, received all the credit. You'd most likely feel the same way... -___- and it really wasn't truly 'appreciated' if he never acknowledged the person who put in the effort to do something nice for him. It's not about recognition, it was rude.

PYLrulz 17

So, for example, you set up and throw a party for me, and I thank everyone BUT you, you wouldn't be offended?!? If you cooked dinner for the family, but everyone thanks someone else BUT you, you wouldn't be offended?!? I think either you are a huge push over, or you aren't using your head very well

cece91798 3

Old people can suck my chode.

Oh really? How nice of you to give them permission like that.

Strange fetish you seem to have there!

you do realize you're going to grow old someday too right? and when that happens, lucky for you, you can suck your own chode! woo!

Or get some old toothless granny to suck his Chode, you know, his early bird special!

does 6 know the definition of "chode"? its doesn't mean big penis haha

den whats means it huh lololol Dang. It hurts writing like a 12 year old.

Oasispetro1 4

the way this kid is talking i dont think he will live to be old

aznpiboy24 5


91- A chode is a penis that is larger in width than it is in length. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to have one though. Either way, it's not a positive thing if you did have one. You'd have a really short, fat, dick.

mama2b3 20

That sucks. But you know you did it and at least you did something nice, it's nice to be appreciated but it's not the reason you do nice things. Good for you for doing that op.

Hey at the very least you know he likes it! I'm sure it was an honest mistake it's not like he'd leave only you out on purpose. Don't worry about it!

I think so too. Perhaps he had the wrong e-mail address, or perhaps he is going to thank you in a more elaborate way for doing all the work, who knows :)

lrgenesis 19

Aww I'm sorry OP:( don't think too much of it, their bitching was loud and therefore more noticeable so he just remembered them because of their bitching while you were being quiet and helpful. It's okay!

You know what they say, Do a good deed, and throw it into the sea.

It's a saying I quoted this from my own culture. It's not really known in English. Sorry about that. But, it means doing the good thing shouldn't for the sake of appreciation. Specially, for those who we love. Don't wait up for recognition. It's like you are thrown something in the sea and you know you will never get it back. I hope I clear up this for yah :)