By cumguzzler - 06/03/2009 16:14 - United States

Today, I was at this awesome party and I was dancing with this really attractive girl who started making out with me all of a sudden. Five minutes later, my friend told me that the girl had just given him a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 668
You deserved it 11 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

according to the transitive property, you just gave your friend a *******.

Sounds like you and your friend just got a lot closer.


Aaha this happened to me once, but I was the guy who got the BJ and this douchebag kissed the girl who gave it to me. Karma's a bitch and damn did he deserve it.

so your friend only last five minutes?!

samip 0

that's nasty !!!Did you tell your friend that you guys made out ?!

ams_fml 0

that's why you shouldn't make out with random girls you just meet. if she's willing to make out with you, a total stranger, she's probably willing to do the same, if not MORE, with some other stranger. You just happened to find out because your friend told you. Who knows where else her mouth had been that night! Think of the possibilities. Gross!

i just read this FML and i... JIZZED IN MY PANTS

maloo_fml 0

OMG THATS MESSED!!!! hahahahah thattd be gross if he had herpes, your have mouth herpes!!!!

And what did you expect from a ****?

Hey everybody! Thanks for upholding misogyny and homophobia! Today, I woke up and people were still assholes to everyone who isn't a straight thin rich white guy. FML