By Anonymous - 28/10/2009 15:57 - United States

Today, I noticed a spot of water on the floor. I thought my cats had spilled a cup of water and didn't worry about it. I went to a meeting and when I came back, my entire apartment was flooded with 3 inches of water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 809
You deserved it 7 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Why did your cats keep spilling glasses of water? Why do you keep so much water in glasses? It seems that if you have cats, this kind of CATastrophe could have been anticipated.


perdix 29

Why did your cats keep spilling glasses of water? Why do you keep so much water in glasses? It seems that if you have cats, this kind of CATastrophe could have been anticipated.

Ahaha, you clever person. OP - was there even a glass of water near where the spill was..?

I wonder if the OP had CATadromous fish migrating to his apartment to breed?

Don't fishies give a bad illness that anyone can CATch? ________________________________

Zhejan 0

I don't understand how these FMLs are CATegorized

perdix 29

Thanks, Witchy-poo, for the eduCATional comment. I had to look up CATadromous. It was CApiTalized differently, though.

Always glad to help. Erm, and so this comment fits in with the others... ...CAT.

These comments are so CATty... or are they CrAfTy?

i don't like cats. dogs are awesome though

spade1997 0

ur picture will give me nightmares

UltimateGIRness 16

Maybe they have bo(the little girl from signs)in their house.if you don't understand look it up

Maybe your "cats" made it a team effort to flood your house.

Even if you didn't know there was a leak somewhere in your house, who the hell leaves spilled water on the ground?! YDI!

__no_one__ 0

OP didn't say he didn't wipe it up, just he didn't think too much about why the spilled water was on the floor in the first place.

ozymandias_fml 0

Yeah, that's what you get for not taking care of your rental property. If you had done the responsible thing in the first place, this would be a non-issue.

Ellowise_fml 0
Sun_Kissed18 25

It never says that. It only says she didn't give it a second thought as to how it got there.

whatevaaaa 0

aww those poor cats! kitties hate water.. D:

Veritas143 0

that's why I set my "kitties" on fire..

nyuu1234 0

YDI for not bein ****** tu turn of the tap