By singingseattlite - 06/04/2009 06:14 - United States

Today, I was at a symposium at which my colleague was a co-chair. She and a new acquaintance asked me how it was going. I joked that the discussant's only job at this conference was to be an asshole. The acquaintance was the symposium's discussant. The topic was Rude Behavior at Work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 875
You deserved it 59 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people may not understand those words, because they may have never had to encounter it. I don't think you should be calling them morons for never using the words "Symposium" and "discussant" before.

I didn't understand any of those words =/


First instance of the word "symposium" being used on FML. I know. I checked.

I agree with number 20, I thought reading the comments might help.. nope.

eeee93757 0

That's what you get for opening your mouth

skierguy 0

And for the people who "didn't understand any of those words." Seriously? Did you grow up in a cave? Read a book you morons.

Some people may not understand those words, because they may have never had to encounter it. I don't think you should be calling them morons for never using the words "Symposium" and "discussant" before.

26- yea 'cause so many people know what a symposium is

Umm 4, I would say it's probably not the OPs choice to attend work conferences, but okay.