By singingseattlite - 06/04/2009 06:14 - United States

Today, I was at a symposium at which my colleague was a co-chair. She and a new acquaintance asked me how it was going. I joked that the discussant's only job at this conference was to be an asshole. The acquaintance was the symposium's discussant. The topic was Rude Behavior at Work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 875
You deserved it 59 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people may not understand those words, because they may have never had to encounter it. I don't think you should be calling them morons for never using the words "Symposium" and "discussant" before.

I didn't understand any of those words =/


You totally could have played that off as a very funny joke you were making.

agave274 0

Im sorry, but I have to say that this is pretty funny and ironic. I aggree with poliphia, you could have made this into a pretty funny joke.

I don't understand this. If the discussion had already started, then why didn't you recognize your acquaintance when they were speaking? If the discussion had not started yet, then why would the joke be offensive to them?

lol, I could just imagine how awkward that meeting must of been.

Haha, well she can use you as her first example.

too many big words in this fml!!D: dumb it down? x)

starberries 0

At a symposium where you didn't know who the discussant was, you saw a person you didn't know talking to the co-chair, and it didn't occur to you that it could possibly be the discussant?

Exposi 1

I didn't understand a word of this. Still, it lets you know that the OP is white, because there's no way a coloured person or a Hispanic or a Chinese person would know these big words.