By Anonymous - 04/07/2015 01:45 - United States - Federal Way

Today, I was at a restaurant where the host is an attractive guy with only one arm. I was with my family, so I didn't want to be too obvious when checking him out. It seems like I was, though, because he came over and told me it was rude to stare at his arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 063
You deserved it 4 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nonsensical 26

"Oh this is embarrassing, I'm sorry. I was actually checking you out. You're very attractive." THIS WOULD HAVE MADE HIS DAY.

Why don't you just tell him that he was attractive? Well you were with your parents so I guess that's not such a good idea. I guess your only choice now is to say you zoned out and accidentally stared at him. Or just yell really loud and run out of the restaurant.


Pick up a cute card and write a flirty note. Apologize and explain that you were only staring because he's so cute. Take it to him at work. Write your name and number in it just in case he wants to get to know you better. Hope you read this op!!

buymevickis92 26

I hate when stuff like that happens because than your too embarrassed to tell the truth sorry OP

People stare all the time. I have all my limbs but I'm quite tall and so I get stared at a lot. Over time you develop a radar for staring people. But I can't tell if they admire or just gawk. He's probably dealing with the same thing and may be self conscious about his arm, so he went in to the offense. If you had told him what you were up to, you would have really made his day.

This is when you tell him he's a hottie patottie with a swimmers body that you want to bed.

Steve_Dudley_UK 10

Should have said you were admiring his shirt, say sorry but you didn't think there was any arm in it.

well i was looking if you need a extra hand ...m waiting down the closet

Just say the missing arm is cool ya know make it look like you were in awe over it

lust of the flesh, you have been admonished

You could've disarmed him with a compliment.

Christoph_Blaski 12

Damn that's rough. Don't worry about though