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By Anonymous - 18/03/2024 05:00

Today, after a day spent at the beach, I was looking back through our photos. Neither my husband, sisters, kids, or our friends bothered to tell me that my white swimsuit became a bit see-through when wet. In absolutely every photo you could clearly see my pubes and my nipples. FML
I agree, your life sucks 457
You deserved it 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you wearing a fishnet swimsuit or something? How could they see your pubes. And if so, why were you wearing such an item outside the bedroom? Either that, or you need a trim. Big time.


Were you wearing a fishnet swimsuit or something? How could they see your pubes. And if so, why were you wearing such an item outside the bedroom? Either that, or you need a trim. Big time.

n3rdn3ss 8

Can't you just edit them so that it's either blurred a little or whiter?

mcsmee 7

Shave the pubes and only wade into waist-deep water. Problem solved. Also, with no hair down there, your husband may give you oral more often or longer. You're welcome

Well, I can kind of understand why your husband didn't say anything, but as for everyone else, I have no idea. But honestly, it's a white swimsuit. Isn't that to be expected?