By Anonymous - 04/07/2015 01:45 - United States - Federal Way

Today, I was at a restaurant where the host is an attractive guy with only one arm. I was with my family, so I didn't want to be too obvious when checking him out. It seems like I was, though, because he came over and told me it was rude to stare at his arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 064
You deserved it 4 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nonsensical 26

"Oh this is embarrassing, I'm sorry. I was actually checking you out. You're very attractive." THIS WOULD HAVE MADE HIS DAY.

Why don't you just tell him that he was attractive? Well you were with your parents so I guess that's not such a good idea. I guess your only choice now is to say you zoned out and accidentally stared at him. Or just yell really loud and run out of the restaurant.


Well it's an icebreaker...keep the conversation going you might get somewhere with it

I hope you told him the truth to make him feel good!

zeffra13 31

What's ruder is an employee coming up to you and saying you're rude for staring, especially when he's the host and has people stare at him all day for his job.

This sounds like it would be a great Curb Your Enthusiasm episode

I'm going to go out on a limb and say OP made an honest mistake. Go up to the guy and say you weren't trying to be rude. You can handle this.

OH WOW! that must be so embarrassing

Tell him you were just checking him out. He will be flattered.

should have u said that u weren't staring @ his arm, u were staring at HIM and thinking about him doing one armed push-ups all over u. . .