By egsrox95 - 01/11/2017 00:30

Today, my best friend had the balls to call me an alcoholic. She snuck vodka on a cruise ship in a Listerine bottle. I've never had a drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 815
You deserved it 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's called 'projecting'. Your friend knows she has a problem but can't admit it. Try to get her to talk to someone about her drinking.

That doesn't necessarily make her an alcoholic. Cruise ship alcohol is extortionately expensive. Honestly, I'd have done the same if I were her.


That's called 'projecting'. Your friend knows she has a problem but can't admit it. Try to get her to talk to someone about her drinking.

Or say you do have a problem and ask her to come to AA with you. Might make her more likely to comply

That doesn't necessarily make her an alcoholic. Cruise ship alcohol is extortionately expensive. Honestly, I'd have done the same if I were her.

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. Or at sea.

You've entered stage one of depression: denial.

Lobby_Bee 17

You're on a cruise and you don't want to drink with your friend? F Her Life.

I wouldn't either, after being blamed for alcoholism by a hypocrite.

Man females find anything and everything to fight about... she called you an alcoholic... who cares?